Country Livin

by Richard T Pranke
Original - Sold
Not Specified
36.000 x 24.000 x 0.750 inches
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Country Livin
Richard T Pranke
Painting - Oil On Canvas
October 22nd, 2013
Similar Subjects
Comments (21)

Zan Savage
Congrats on your well derserved 1st Place win in the Heart of Country contest Richard! Such a comforting scene!

Sarah Irland
Congratulations, Richard, on your 1st place win in the Heart of Country Contest! So well deserved for this beatuiful painting! Voted.

Laurel Adams
CONGRATULATIONS! RICHARD, You are the FIRST PLACE WINNER in the JUST-BECAUSE SERIES: “The HeArt of Country“ Contest- 188 members, 692 entries, 965 votes. SO well deserved!... BRAVO! YAY!!

Anne Gifford
Simply grand! I particularly like the way that the trees reach over the top of the canvas in order to frame the charming vignette in the background. like/f

Dora Sofia Caputo Photographic Design and Fine Art
Stunning seasonal landscape, Richard! I invite you to post this fabulous piece to the Glimpses of Autumn Group. It will surely make a great addition to that Group. F/L.

Beverly Stapleton
This beautiful image is being featured on the Homepage of the Landscape Art Group. Thank you for sharing it.